Helping Your Budding Picasso: Toddlers and Art

Helping Your Budding Picasso


To help your  young child benefit from making art:

  • Don't direct her work or try to teach her how to draw or make a specific thing. Give her the tools and then step out of the way.
  • Lay down some newspaper on the work surface or a tarp on the floor and then let your child be messy (within reason, of course). This is one area in which she should have complete creative control.
  • Let her discover new techniques. She may paint with a paper clip or glue clay to a piece of paper.
  • Instead of asking, "What's that?" when presented with an unrecognizable image, comment on the color or boldness of a line, and invite your child to tell you more about it.
  • Ask your child what she likes about the art. You might hear something unexpected, like, "Yellow makes me happy."
  • Ask if your child wants you to write down the name of the picture, or if she can tell you a story about it.
  • Display artwork in a prominent place to show your child you value it.

Some children may not sit still long enough to draw. Don't force it; try again another day with different materials. It may be a matter of finding the right medium to whet her appetite.


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