New Works in the Synthesis Series: What is a painting worth?
Here are a few pics from a new work I completed this morning. Of course, the pics loaded backwards, so work your way up from the bottom for sequence.
Painting is a tedious process, but a "loved task" for this gal. Sometimes the process is easy and sometimes it is like mating elephants! Friends always ask, how long it takes to complete a painting, and there is no definitive answer to that question. It is like asking a doctor how long it took to diagnose a disease. You must consider the education, the training and the life experiences it took to get to that point. Not to mention the critical thinking skills! And not everyone can be a good doctor, and not everyone can be a good artist. It takes time, experience, critical thinking skills, and continued education. I am still learning and growing, but feel I am on my way.
Back to the question: how long does it take physically to complete a painting aside from the education, etc? Well, I am working on a week with this piece and still I am not done. I must stretch, seal and sign, title, catalogue and photograph. So next question: "What's this painting worth?" Think about what you are paid each week and comment. I struggle with this question. Looking forward to what you have to say :)
I'll continue this conversation later. Be thinking about what a painting can do for you . . .
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